Welcome to Harmony Care
Who we are?
Harmony Care is a locally owned Minnesota Health Care Provider that serves Minnesotans in the comfort of their homes or communities. We are licensed by the Department of Human Services (DHS) to provide Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) to people with disabilities and people of age 65 and older in the state of Minnesota, subject to the standards of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 245A and Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 245D.
Semi Independent Living Services
Services include training and assistance in independent living skills for adults with developmental disabilities or related conditions.
24-Hour Emergency Assistance
24-Hour Emergency Assistance for people on a Disability Waiver is on-call counseling and problem solving and/or immediate response for help at a waiver recipient's home due to a health or personal emergency.
Adult Companion Services
Adult Companion Services are non-medical social support services for people with disabilities or older adults who need supervision, care or assistance.
Homemaker Services
Homemaker Services help with general household activities when a person is unable to manage the home, or when the person regularly responsible for these activities is temporarily absent or unable to manage the home.
Night Supervision
Night Supervision is overnight assistance and monitoring in the home of a person for a period of no more than twelve (12) hours in a 24-hour period.
Personal Support
The service is provided in the home of the person with a developmental disability or in the community to achieve increased independence. Personal Support provides direct help rather than training.
Independent Living Skills
Independent Living Skills (ILS) Training services develop, maintain, and improve a person's community living skills
In-Home Family Support
In-Home Family Supports (IHFS) help people with disabilities live in the community more independently. It is available through the disability waivers (BI, CAC, CADI, and DD).
Individual Community Living Supports
Offers assistance and support to Elderly Waiver (EW) and Alternative Care (AC) participants who need reminders, cuing, or intermittent or moderate physical assistance to remain in their own homes.